Tuesday, July 21, 2015


This is an island of waterfalls. Ribbons, sheets, whole avalanches of white water spilling over the edges of lush green hills are a staple of this country's central highlands. There are literally hundreds, perhaps thousands of these watery-wonders dotted around the hill-country and you can quite conceivably spend a life time chasing waterfalls. 

It's actually a rather common island-activity; whispers, rumours of a particularly isolated, pristine or hitherto unexplored cascade will have people scrambling into 4x4s, or clambering onto buses and tuks and trekking deep into the forested interior. 

However, so rich is this nation in this H20 based resource that the quest for a spectacular, steeply plunging stream need not take you too far off the beaten path. 


Bambarakanda Waterfall, one of most beautiful waterfalls and the highest waterfall in Sri Lanka is located in Badulla district, Uva Province. It is 263 meters in height and it is recognized as the 299th highest waterfall in the world. Kalupahana is the nearest town to this waterfall. And this waterfall is formed by Kuda Oya which is beginning from Horton Plains above and Kuda Oya is a branch of the Walawe River.
The main route to get this beautiful location is from the A4 Colombo – Batticaloa highway, closer to Kalupahana.

Bambarakanda Waterfall is through the lush greenery and crossing a quaint bridge that shines over a cascading stream. Once you reached you can experience and enjoy the non-stop spray of icy water. And especially at the dry season, the rock pool at the base of this waterfall becomes a bather friendly one.It cascades in a torrent (especially in the wet season) from a rocky outcrop into a deep, basin-like pool. To the left of the fall, centuries of wind and rain have formed what is said to resemble two embracing lovers out of the rock.
And the sound of the water falls is noisy when it is in full swing and the high sprays of the water remind the cooling power of water too. Visitors can capture many breathtaking views of this beautiful waterfall. If anyone wants to have more adventurous, you can reach the top of this Bambarakanda Waterfall that accessible via a brisk and steep 05 km climb. If you reach to this top, it will be a great chance to view the scenery all around at the top of the Bambarakanda Waterfall and it will be uninterrupted views. And there is a good bathing pool at the top, which is formed by a smaller falls, prior to the mighty sheer drop of this waterfall. Therefore, Bambarakanda Waterfall is one of best travel destinations and a popular tourist attraction in Sri Lanka that anyone should not be missed to explore!


Dunhinda is considered to be one of the most enchanting falls in Sri Lanka and is in close proximity to Badulla town. The water resembles a thin cloud as it cascades 63m downwards into a large pool. The backdrop to the fall is known as ‘Dunhinda Adaviya’. ‘Dunhinda’ translates to ‘spraying/vapor waterfall’ – the word ‘dun’ means ‘gave/was given’, while ‘hinda’ means ‘evaporate’.
It was the first fall on the island where a fee was introduced to view it. This applies to both local and foreign visitors.
Dunhinda Falls is 5km from Badulla town and from the main highway it is a tortuous 1km walk. The Ella rest-house is 29km away.


Diyaluma Falls, the "Fall of Smoking Water" at 212 metres is the second tallest waterfall in Sri Lanka. The Diyaluma or Diya Haluma collects its water from the Poonagala Oya in the vicinity of Koslanda and Wellawaya. Located six miles from Koslanda and 13 miles from Wellawaya, its waters originate from the Mahakande Pass in Koslanda.

With an appearance and location which often make people believe that it is the highest waterfall in the isle, this lanky "Diyaluma" waterfall pours its way down and flows towards Kirindi Oya underneath a bridge on the highway from Beragala to Wellawaya.
The extent of water spilt downwards is so great during the rainy season that it makes amends for the monotonously undisturbed water trunk falling from head to foot with no intermediate cascade whatsoever. Its geographical location by one of the mostly used highways spanning the Hill Country to the plains speaks for its reputation not only here but in other parts of the world as well.
You can see this waterfall if you go just two kilometers from Koslanda on the road to Wellawaya


Devon Waterfall is in Talawakele, Nuwara Eliya in Sri Lanka. It is located close to St. Clair’s Waterfall and some 06 km from Talawakele at the 20th km post along the Avissawella – Nuwara Eliya A7 Highway. Due to its unique formation, this waterfall is known as the “Veil of the Valley”. Devon Waterfall is 97 meters in height. The name of “Devon” derives to this waterfall from a pioneer English coffee planter called Devon. His plantation was situated nearby to this waterfall.
As mentioned above, the Avissawella – Nuwara Eliya A7 Highway is the best and accessible route to this waterfall. But if any visitor wants to do more adventurous thing, you can reach the top of the falls by turning left from Dimbula and taking the Dimbula – Nawalapitiya road. if any travelers wants to access this base, that traveler should access via a descent through lush Sri Lanka’s tea estates.the best view of this waterfall can be having from Dimbula, where a dedicated viewing platform has been established. The wide open space in front of the Devon Waterfall makes its look even more enormous and it is an attractive view.

There are another ways to enjoy the views of this beautiful waterfall. One is possible from the rail tracks closer to Watagoda, about 10 km from Talawakele. And the second way of viewing the beauty of this Devon Waterfall is from the hamlet of Midigama. While travelling by a train on the Kandy to Nuwata Eliya line, viewing this Devon’s beauty is the other way of enjoying this fascinating scenery and catching a glimpse of the impressive Devon Waterfall. Therefore, Devon Waterfall is one of main attractions in Sri Lanka and if anyone travels in the hill country, you should make a stop at this location (it is places at a convenient location) and should enjoy this magnificent gift of nature.


The name "Bopath Ella" has been given to the waterfall because of its shape. The water flows through a narrow gap in the rocks and then widens, forming the shape of a leaf of a "Bo" tree which is the Sinhalese name for sacred fig (Ficus religiosa). "Path" means leaves of a tree and "Ella" means waterfall. Virgin forests with a rich biodiversity surround the waterfall.
Bopath Ella waterfalls is Situated at Rathnapura and nearest waterfall to the Colombo city , within a travelling distance of 1 1/2hour by car. Kuruwita is closest town to the waterfall. .
Waterfalls is 30m height. Main water source for the waterfall is Kuru Ganga.
The waterfall has been used for bathing by ancient rulers of the country when they visited the nearby Maha Saman Devale in Ratnapura. 


This twin St. Clair’s waterfall cascades over three rock outcrops into a massive pool and it is most conveniently seen by travellers on Hatton – Talawakelle Road. This beautiful and popular fall is located among tea gardens, transmits a large volume of water, and is the widest waterfall in the country. The fall is sited over 500 metres away from the road, andone needs to walk down among tea bushes at a steep slope to reach it.

The proposed Upper Kotmale Hydro Power Project will affect the water resources of St Clair’s but for the benefit of the public a limited quantity of water will be released to prevent complete disappearance of the fall. Downstream to the main fall is a second waterfall of 50 m in height called Kuda Ella, which is best visible at the curve near 90 km post. At this point, though far, complete fall of St. Clair’s is visible including the last section that was partially hidden.
St. Clair's fall is billed as Sri Lanka's Niagara, or 'king of waterfalls' due to its outstanding beauty. It is 80m in height and at 50m wide, and consists of two segments, known as 'Big St. Clair' and 'Small St. Clair'. Created by the Kotmale River, a tributary of the Mahaweli River, it flows down a slope through an abandoned tea estate that covers hundreds of hectares. The main fall is located 3 kms from Talawakelle.


Ravana waterfalls is at Ella of Badulla district of Sri Lanka. Ravana falls is very high waterfalls and a lot of legend stories are hidden at this waterfalls. Ravana waterfalls is at between Ella and Wallawaya. There are 5km to Ravana waterfalls from Ella town. Ella is closest railway station to Ravana waterfalls. Ravana waterfalls is not a single waterfall. It is devided into several parts and drop down into rocks. There fore various beauties produced in flowing down. Near Ravana waterfall there is a bridge. On the bridge Ravana falls is seen beautifully. Butiques, Bar, Cafeterias and toilets are available in Ravana waterfalls. Some young trying to climb up the waterfall for visit the beauties of nature. But several accidents may be happened to them.

There was a tunnel and cave system at Ravana falls in ancient time. Ravana ancient temple and Dova ancient temple are at closed to Ravana waterfalls and tunnel system might be connected each other well in Ancient era. King Walagamba was made by those two temples. Up side of the Ravana falls, There is another waterfall called Small Ravana waterfalls. Ravana waterfalls is identified as Bambaragama falls also.


Baker's waterfall is one of very beautiful waterfalls in Sri Lanka. This waterfalls is height about 22 meters.Main water source for the waterfall is Belihul Oya . It is very beautiful because in various corners we can see various sceneries. The waterfall like steps, In top side we can see a pool and this point fall divide more than thousand of parts and made beautiful scenery in middle of the fall. Below the middle of fall there has another waterfall. It also very beautiful. Include all things and fall become the most beautiful waterfall in Sri Lanka.

There has a tree which inside of Baker's Waterfall. It gives more valuable to fall. You can't take a photo without this tree. This fall is situate at Horton plains. If you travel to visit Worlds End via Horton plains don't miss to visit this place. 


Ramboda waterfalls is situated at Ramboda of Nuwaraeliya district of Sri Lanka. Ramboda is at between Nuwaraeliya and Gampola towns. The height is about 109m and the 729th highest in the world.  There are about 27km to Ramboda from Gampola town. Ramboda waterfall is at downside of the main road and it cannot see from the main road. You should down to the main road at Ramboda bridge of Nuwaraeliya-Kandy main road and then you can visit the Ramboda waterfall. Ramboda waterfall is not a single waterfall and it has two staires. Up side of the main road of Ramboda place, There is a another waterfall. Most of tourist dismiss the waterfall and they visit up side waterfall and go away. But dont forget to visit Ramboda main waterfall at downside of the Ramboda of Nuwaraeliya Sri Lanka.
Near Ramboda waterfall there is the longest road tunnel of Sri Lanka. It is made in 2006 -2007 years and also you can visit the Kothmale Valley and Kothmala Mahaweli Pagoda as well.


Bomburu Ella, also known as Perawella Falls, is a waterfall at Uva-Paranagama Divisional Secretariat of Sri Lanka. It is located near the border of Nuwara Eliya and Badulla districts, approximately 15 km from Welimada town. Bomburu Ella is the widest waterfall in Sri Lanka and consists of several small waterfalls grouped together. The source of the falls is a lake located in the central highlands of Sri Lanka.

You can visit Bomburu waterfall and visit potatoes lands and vegetable lands in Welimada. Bomburu Ella is not at closed to main road. It is situated at long distance from main road and you have to go on a foot to Bomburu waterfall. This waterfall is situated at between and border of Nuwaraeliya and Badulla districts. There is a valley at Nuwaraeliya district and water comes to falls.


Laxapana Waterfall, one of famous waterfalls in Sri Lanka is located in Maskeliya area in Nuwara Eliya District. It is 129 meters in height and it is the 08th highest waterfall in Sri Lanka. Maskeliya Oya forms this waterfall and Kelaniya River, which is close to the Kiriwan-Eliya village through the nearby Fairlawn Estate, is formed this Maskeliya Oya. And the nearest town of this location is Ginigathhena. Laxapana Waterfall is recorded as the 625th highest waterfall in the world and this waterfall is most connected with the two hydro power stations that share its name also.
The most famous way of getting this attractive location is that visitors should travel along the Avissawella – Nuwara Eliya road (A7) and should turn towards Norton Bridge after Ginigathhena which is the Sri Pada road through Nallathanni.this waterfall has an attractive surrounding. Many hidden caves natural tunnels which were used by early Sri Lanka’s inhabitants are contained at the surrounding mountains of this waterfall.

To relax and revive, the wide base of this waterfall is a good location which is offering plenty of flat rock pools. If anyone will visit this beautiful waterfall, they can views across the Maussakele and Dickoya reservations which are a spectacle of sheer natural beauty with rolling hills of different shades of green, dotting the landscape. And there is a huge flat rock formation on the top of this waterfall, that visitors can get there easily, but visitors must ask the direction by locals. In addition to that the white lace like waters fall down beautifully enveloping the base in a magical mist is the other most eye catching thing at the base of this waterfall. Therefore, Laxapana Waterfall is one of famous and beautiful waterfalls in Sri Lanka that should not be missed to explore!


Aberdeen falls is relatively accessible 15 minute drive from the popular Norton Bridge, or the Masekeliya road and a strenuous but not exhausting climb down some well maintained stone-cut stairs will bring you to a stunning, night-blue pool into which tumbles a 100 meter cataract of white froth and foam,
It's a rather amazing spot, surrounded by thick mountain forest and sheer granite rock - the pool is crystal clear and calm enough that swimming (unless you're inebriated) is reasonably safe. A raised stone and sand bank right next to the cascade means that if you paddle over a few meters of dark, deep water you'll find yourself able to stand - on a natural ledge at the edge of waterfall's cascade. You're basically walking on water, feet from the pounding flow of one of the country's highest falls- an immediate highlight to any day.
While it's incredibly beautiful it's still not on the major waterfall trail so you stand a good chance of having it to yourself even on a weekend. a bonus for lowers even on a weekend. 


Elgin waterfalls is at Ambewela place of Nuwaraeliya district of Sri Lanka. It's listed in main waterfalls of Sri Lanka.It is 25 meters in height. Elgin is at closed to Elgin estate of Nanuoya. Most famous viewing point of Elgin waterfalls is at railway between Parakumpura and Ambewela. Elgin waterfalls is at 3km from Ambewela railway station and closed to railway quarters of Ambewela. There is a big railway tunnel is at closed to Elgin waterfalls. Elgin is not a single waterfall. It has several steps. Elgin waterfalls is at jungle place of the Ambewela area. 

If you like to visit Elgin waterfalls. First you have to come Ambewela via Nuwaraliya or Welimada.


The Thudugala Ella Falls is located in the Thudugala Estate in Thudugala village at Kalutara District, Sri Lanka.It is 8 meters in height. Once owned by a British national, a derelict bungalow still remains. There is a natural swimming pool surrounded by Ketala plants and a giant pus creeper (fern) that has spread to cover an area of a hectare.  Also within the Thudugala Forest Reserve, there are many species of birds. These include the migrant bird ‘Yellow Magta’, with its colourful plumage and yellow underbelly, and ‘Dicaeum Erythornynchos’, the smallest bird in Sri Lanka.
This waterfall is a popular bathing place for locals. A interesting feature here is that a tunnel runs under the waterfall and comes out on top at a side to it.
The route to the waterfall starts from Katukurunda Junction off the Galle Road; 5 miles (8.0 km) from there on Matugama Road to Thudugala junction and from there 8 miles (12.9 km) to the waterfall.
It is said that there are number of waterfalls along this stream specially a beautiful fall called Sita Ella. Location unknown.
When traveling from Thudugala junction, you will come to another junction called “Ellagāwa (Near the waterfall) Junction” with a signboard of a rubber plantation so you can easily recognize it. From there, if you want to go to the waterfall and its natural bathing places, you will have to take the left road which runs over a small bridge nearby. The right road will lead you only to an artificially created bathing place which is said to be muddy but used to lure visters to small hotel nearby. The left road will take you to the delapdated house of the British owner and from there you need to walk along the river in the estate to reach the Thudugala Ella waterfall and its beautiful bathing pools.


The Galboda waterfall is a one hour walking distance from the Galboda railway station. It is 30 metres in height, beautiful due to the high rainfall received to the catchment area throughout the year.(the closest town is Watawala, where the highest annual rainfall in the country is received). Therefore, unlike other waterfalls, travellers are advised to visit Galboda waterfall in August, the dry season, because the natural water pool is safe for bathing. Until you pass “Inguruoya”, the railway station before Galboda, the climate is quite good. But when the train reaches Galboda, passing two tunnels; the climate changes to heavy showers. Galboda is a small village inbetween Watawala and Nawalapitiya.
The main access to the village is the railway track and the first glimpse to the waterfall could be had from here. The annual rainfall here exceeds 4500mm. Sixty percent of the rain comes from the south-west monsoon (the dry season is January to February).
At certain times of the year, the water cascades in two streams. Growing in the surrounding woodland is a rare species of orchid and the vicinity is home to a wide variety of wildlife. Among them are 12 species of reptiles and four are only found in Sri Lanka. The upper section of the fall is unique in its biodiversity, thus it is of paramount importance to limit any potential danger to the area. The name of the fall, (Galboda means ‘fall adjoining the stone’) is said to be derived from the large boulder situated at its foot, though another theory is that the water here is heavier(Gal meaning heavier) than anywhere else on the island.


Rathna Ella is a waterfall within the Vicoria, Randenigala and Rantambe sanctuary. It has a height of 101 meters and is the widest waterfall in Sri Lanka. Rathna Ella Is the highest waterfall in Kandy district and the 10th highest in Sri Lanka.
The route to the Rathna Ella, lies along few villages between the Hunasgiriya mountain range and a dense jungle filled with wildlife. The walk along the villages will give you amazing scenes of far mountains and paddy fields. There is also an adventurous hike to the top of the waterfall. Only experienced hikers should attempt this hike.
The name Rathna Ella means ‘a field of gems’. According to the legends there have been seven vessels filled with gems and valuables hidden deep in the waterfall. Five of them have already been found. And villagers believe that any attempt to find the other two will bring bad luck and death to the people looking for them.
Swimming in the pool under the waterfall is extremely dangerous, as Rathna Ella has a 101 m fall, and the pool is believed to be very deep.Also Only experience hikers should try the hike to the top.

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